I’m not here to pompously display my artwork and fill your heads with silly clichés. Also, I will not bore you with technical jargon, long dissertations, explanations, silly poems and prosy writing. I’m not trying to impose any meaning or concepts to my work because there are none.
What I am here to do is to tell you what makes me creative. Most people who know me probably associate me with playing the guitar and making music. I still love doing these things but something was missing.
Creating visual art helps me reduce anxiety. It helps me put things into perspective by creating structure and order to the chaos in the world. I get ideas mainly from colors that I like and geometric shapes. These items are readily available to everyone if you pay attention to what’s around you.
I like precision in my work; hard edges, straight lines and big, powerful color. I also like experimenting with different textures and random color. I gravitate toward the styles of hard edge, abstract and sculpture.
I’ve decided to get serious about it by creating art when I have something in my head to share. I love working with different mediums such as acrylic paint, wood, aluminum, and acrylic glass. It’s very satisfying creating something fun to look at that can resonate with people.
If you like what you see, please reach out!